Community College Leadership Program
The Higher Education Group

Welcome visitors! The Community College Leadership Doctoral Program is part of the Department of Theory and Policy Studies in Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. Professor Peter Dietsche is the Director of the program. Click here to contact him. Many other full-time and part-time Professors in the Higher Education Group are involved in this Program through teaching, advising, and supervision. To go to the Home Page for this Department click here. For specific information on the program click here.
You will find the Research Links page on this site of particular interest. It contains links to over 3,000 links to websites that deal directly with community college, higher education, and other related areas of interest. If you would like to see some papers written by members of the Cohort group click here to see the Colleges Ontario web site postings.
This page was initially created to assist members of the first Cohort group in their studies. As the program expands, this page is being made available to other members of the community who have a particular interest in the study of community colleges and higher education.
Keep the Aspidistra Flying
Basic Documents establishing CAAT 1967
Ontario Colleges and Programs
OISE Electronic Phonebook
Thesis Binding
Purchasing Robes
Celebrating the Cohortian Journey