Community College Leadership Program
The Higher Education Group

Mailing List
A mailing list is available exclusively for the Cohortians. The mailing list will allow members to discuss issues of mutual importance or ask questions when they would like input from their colleagues.
Using the mailing list is very easy — just like using email.
To reach Cohorts I and II, address your email to [email protected].
To reach Cohort III, address your email to [email protected].
To ask a question, raise an issue, or pass along some some comment to your colleagues and current faculty click on the above link. An email window will open up. Type in the information and press SEND. Everyone will get the message.
When you get a message from the mailing list and wish to respond, simply press the REPLY button and type in your response. Everyone on the list will get your response.
You do not have to come to this page to use the mailing list. Simply use your regular email system and in the TO field type [email protected].
If you want to review any messages posted to the mailing list, simply click here.
Email Addresses
If you want to get the email of any individual member of the mailing list click here. You will need a password to access this list. The password has been emailed to you. If you have forgotten the password, please contact Joe and he will forward it to you.
Joe Mior is the administrator for the mailing list. If you wish to be removed from the list or make any changes to your address please email Joe. Similarly, if there is someone who needs to be added to the list let Joe know. For a number of reasons, the list is security protected. You cannot remove or add people from the list.